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Support for businesses

Explore the many ways we can support your business to grow. From innovation and investment to exporting and more, we can help.

Our business support services

Browse the business support we offer.

  • Funding and grants

    We can help your business navigate the funding landscape in Scotland so it can find, access and secure the right funding. We also sometimes offer our own funding.

  • Exports and international markets

    If you’re new to exporting, we can help you find the right markets and get started. If you already export, we can help you expand your international sales.

  • Innovation, digital and data

    Whether you’re looking to adopt new tools and processes, secure your intellectual assets, transform the workplace, or access networks and digital solutions – we can help.

  • Grow your business

    Our experts can help you overcome day-to-day challenges, enhance your business practices, and explore opportunities to grow and scale your company.

  • Improve business operations

    We can support your business to streamline processes, boost sustainability and cope with challenges.

Can't find the support you need?

If you need support that isn't listed here, you can check the Find Business Support website for an overview of Scotland's public sector support. See your options for grants, funding, advice, help, events and more.

Explore support on the Find Business Support websiteopens in a new window 

Hear from companies that have used our business support